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Press Release

Democrats Begin Debate on Job-Killing Lands Bills

Bishop: "This is the candy corn of legislation. No one likes it but it keeps getting forced on you."

Today, Ranking Republican Rob Bishop (R-Utah), Representative Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), Representative Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.), and Representative Scott Tipton (R-Colo.) released statements regarding legislation scheduled for consideration on the House floor. H.R. 2182, H.R. 1373, and H.R. 823 would stifle rural economic development, jeopardize our national security by growing our reliance on foreign mineral sources, and adversely affect American jobs.

“This is the candy corn of legislation, no one likes it but it keeps getting forced on you. These bills we have gone through before, debated before, they were defeated before and if the good Lord is willing, they will be defeated again … in the meantime, I guess we will continue to talk about stuff for special interest groups...” - Ranking Republican Rob Bishop

“House Democrats continue pushing extreme bills that would cripple domestic mining, hinder our economic growth, and leave the United States more reliant on hostile powers for critical minerals. It’s particularly disgusting that Chairman Grijalva is disguising his effort to cripple America’s mining industry as an effort to protect the Grand Canyon.” - Rep. Paul Gosar

“Like most of the Democrats’ partisan agenda, the three natural resource bills being considered this week will go nowhere in the Senate. These bills will negatively impact local communities, increase our dependence on foreign sources of energy, and hamper critical military training. Instead of trampling on the will of local communities, the House majority should work to craft bipartisan legislation that increases access to America’s public lands and expands hunting, fishing, and recreational opportunities in Colorado and throughout the nation.”
Rep. Doug Lamborn

“A public lands bill that primarily impacts Colorado’s 3rd District should include broad stakeholder support from the 3rd District. The CORE Act does not adequately incorporate reasonable changes or input from around the 3rd District to receive broad local consensus nor bipartisan support that has typically been the driving force behind successful public lands legislation in Colorado.  Many impacted communities and stakeholders in the 3rd District have not been included in the creation of the CORE Act, and the result is an unbalanced effort. I believe we would be in a much different place on the CORE Act if enough outreach had occurred, and if the process had been more inclusive and incorporated ideas important to many communities in the 3rd District.  I plan to continue to engage with the Colorado delegation and my constituents on working towards legislation that reflects the interests of the entire 3rd District.” - Rep. Scott Tipton


To learn more about the legislation being considered, click HERE.

To watch Ranking Republican Rob Bishop testify in depth on these bills with the House Committee on Rules, click HERE.