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Press Release

Bishop, Westerman Congratulate Earthjustice for Finally Complying with Foreign Agent Registration Act

Earthjustice Registers Under FARA Nearly a Year After Republican Inquiries

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 24, 2019 | Committee Press Office (202-225-2761)

Today, Ranking Republican Rob Bishop (R-Utah) and U.S. Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) released the following statements regarding Earthjustice formally filing with the Department of Justice as a foreign agent.  Last year, Committee Republicans began its oversight of the potential manipulation of U.S.-based 501(c) organizations by foreign entities to influence U.S. environmental and natural resources policy to the detriment of our national interests. On September 20, Earthjustice registered with the Department of Justice based on their work with foreign principals.

“We are pleased to see that Earthjustice has finally registered under FARA after nearly a year from our initial inquiry. Our push for transparency from the cast of characters operating in this space has begun to yield results and we are interested to learn about the extent of Earthjustice’s relationships with foreign principals. I heartily congratulate them for now doing the right thing and acting with honesty after much hesitancy in the past. It is our hope they continue to honor FARA and all it embodies to ensure the integrity of their advocacy.” – Ranking Republican Rob Bishop (R-Utah)

 “I’d like to applaud Earthjustice for registering as a foreign agent with the Justice Department. As Rep. Bishop and I have said for a year now, if an organization does the bidding of foreign countries or entities, they should tell the American people. I’m encouraged by Earthjustice’s transparency, and hope that other organizations such as Natural Resources Defense Council and World Resources Institute follow suit.” – U.S. Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.)


On June 5, 2018, Committee Republicans sent a letter for more information regarding Natural Resources Defense Councils (NRDC) potential need to register as a foreign agent to comply with FARA.

On October 1, 2018, Committee Republicans sent a letter to Earthjustice highlighting that the Committee is concerned the organization’s political activities may require compliance with FARA.