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Press Release

Bishop, Dingell, Wyden, Ernst Introduce Legislation to Improve Recreational Opportunities

Today, Ranking Republican Rob Bishop (R-Utah) of the House Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) released the following statements on the introduction of the bipartisan Recreation Not Red Tape (RNR) Act. 


“Regardless of party, we can agree that outdoor recreation is important to the health and wellness of all Americans. In my home state of Utah and in many other places, the recreation industry is inextricably linked to the lives and livelihoods of the region. This bipartisan bill will encourage the federal and state governments to collaborate on ways to enhance and increase access to public lands. Americans should be able enjoy the outdoors without the burden of bureaucracy standing in their way.” – Ranking Republican Rob Bishop


Hunters and fishers are the stewards of our land and responsible for much of the conservation efforts This bipartisan bill supports sportsman and reduces barriers to access the outdoors, while maintaining strong support for conservation. We must work together to protect the environment, endangered species, and our traditions.” Representative Debbie Dingell


Appreciation of the outdoors is in Oregon’s DNA. Right now, there’s too much bureaucratic red tape getting in the way of nature enthusiasts and the small businesses that help them take advantage of the endless recreation experiences our public lands offer. This bill is about breaking cumbersome and unnecessary barriers to outdoor recreation in the spirit of local job creation and access to our treasured public lands.” – Senator Ron Wyden


Our nation's public lands and National Parks are some of our greatest treasures, providing Iowans with the opportunity to hunt, fish, hike, or simply observe wildlife. But as we see all too often, bureaucratic red-tape and burdensome processes can get in the way. This bipartisan bill will help streamline the permitting process for our small businesses and address the maintenance backlogs to ensure outdoor recreational opportunities for folks across the country.” – Senator Joni Ernst




In recent decades, population growth and urbanization have forced millions of Americans to traverse miles of crowded highways to access the great outdoors. Moreover, recreating on our nation’s public lands often requires special permits, parking passes, and payment of fees that, while important to help maintain our public lands, too often involve confusing, cumbersome, and costly processes.


The Recreation Not Red Tape Act will increase access to recreational opportunities for Americans nation-wide by modernizing and streamlining the special recreation permitting process; holding land managers accountable for recreation outcomes; establishing a new National Recreation Area System; increasing veteran participation in outdoor stewardship and rehabilitation programs; and by facilitating private-sector volunteer maintenance programs on our nation’s public lands.


Read the full bill text HERE.