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Press Release

Bishop Praises Passage of S. 47, the Natural Resources Management Act

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 26, 2019 | Committee Press Office (202-225-2761)
Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Republican Rob Bishop (R-Utah) delivered a statement from the House floor regarding the passage of S. 47, the Natural Resources Management Act: 

Watch Floor Statement from Ranking Republican Rob Bishop HERE

“The number of Utah victories in this lands package will do more for the people of Utah than Congress has delivered in a long time. This legislation will expand access to public lands, while also shrinking the size of the federal estate. There are wins for America’s sportsmen, hunters, and fishermen. This bill establishes monuments the right way and reforms LWCF to the benefit of state and local governments and sportsmen. This legislation promotes the richness of Utah’s history, empowers school children, and communicates a profound respect for local decision-making. While no legislation is ever perfect, I am perfectly content voting for this pro-Utah package.” Ranking Republican Rob Bishop



The Natural Resources Management Act, developed through months of bicameral negotiations, includes more than 100 public lands, natural resources, and water bills. The package also includes key reforms to the Land and Water Conservation Fund and a range of provisions to increase opportunities for sports men and women for hunting, fishing, and other outdoor recreational activities on federal lands. The bill passed the Senate on Feb. 12 in a 92-8 vote.


Link to S. 47 Summary and Text.