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Press Release

Bishop Welcomes New, Returning Republican Committee Members

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 23, 2019 | Committee Press Office (202-225-2761)

Today, House Committee on Natural Resources Ranking Republican Rob Bishop (R-Utah) welcomed Republican members who will serve on the Committee for the 116th Congress.

“As we get underway in the 116th Congress, I welcome both new and returning members. From ensuring access to public lands to expanding economic opportunities through active resource management, the work before us is critically important. The unique backgrounds of our entering members will not only aid the administration, but also allow us to advance an agenda that benefits the constituents we represent.”

New Republican Members:

Kevin Hern (Okla.-01)
Russ Fulcher (Idaho-01)

Returning Republican Members:                                         

Rob Bishop (Utah-01)
Don Young (Alaska-at large)
Louie Gohmert (Texas-01)
Doug Lamborn (Colo.-05)
Rob Wittman (Va.-01)
Tom McClintock (Calif.-04)
Paul Gosar (Ariz.-04)
Paul Cook (Calif.-08)
Bruce Westerman (Ark.-04)
Garret Graves (La.-06)
Jody Hice (Ga.-10)
Amata Coleman Radewagen (American Samoa-at large)
Daniel Webster (Fla.-11)
Liz Cheney (Wyo.-at large)
Mike Johnson (La.-4)
Jenniffer González-Colón (Puerto Rico-at large)
John Curtis (Utah-03)