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Press Release

Pearce Introduces Two Bills in the House of Representatives

Rep. Steve Pearce (R-N.M.) released the following statement regarding two bills he has sponsored, H.R. 6106, Common Sense Permitting and H.R. 6107, Ending Duplicative Permitting Act, which were introduced yesterday in the House of Representatives:

“The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) inability to timely permit energy activities is costing New Mexico thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. These two bills will ensure New Mexico can continue to play a leading role in America’s energy revolution. When it takes BLM 250 days to process a permit, the State loses out on needed revenues that support over 30% of the State’s budget, funding schools, police departments, road redevelopment, and community hospitals. I have enjoyed working with the House Natural Resources Committee to introduce these bills to ensure that New Mexico receives what it deserves,” Pearce said.

“The federal government has a knack for slowing down progress. Our country’s energy expansion can only happen as fast as our burdensome permitting processes allows. That’s why we need these bills. They cut the red tape that is holding us back from energy independence and greater American prosperity. I’m thankful for Rep. Pearce’s hard work on this important issue and look forward to this legislation moving through Committee,” House Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop (R-Utah) said.


Currently, the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Carlsbad Field Office has a backlog of 800 permit applications. Slow permitting has been found to cost New Mexico $713 million annually in revenues and $1.3 billion annually in lost revenues to the federal government. Texas and New Mexico typically issue permits within 14 days of being requested, BLM has an average issuance of 250 days. Texas is currently operating 388 rigs in the Permian Basin to New Mexico’s 89, despite New Mexico having the more valuable resources.
