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Press Release

House Passes Bill to Increase Recreation Opportunities on Federal Lands

Today, the House passed H.R. 289, the bipartisan “Guides and Outfitters Act” or “GO Act.” Introduced by Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA), the bill removes bureaucratic roadblocks that inhibit outdoor recreation and increases opportunities for all Americans to access and enjoy the nation’s federal lands.

I am very pleased that my bill, the GO Act, passed the House today. This legislation will help guarantee access for all people to enjoy the outdoors, even federally controlled lands. HR 289 helps guides and outfitters in rural areas to have more access to recreation opportunities on our public lands. Hunting, fishing, whitewater rafting, biking, trail hikes, horseback riding, and general enjoyment of the outdoors will be easier to do with less Washington bureaucrat red-tape and impossible fees to get in the way. This is a common-sense and fair bill that streamlines the permitting process and allows more local economic opportunities for the people back on their lands. I look forward to a positive and timely result in the Senate,” Rep. LaMalfa stated.

“For many years, we have seen increasingly severe restrictions on the public’s use of public lands. One of the most galling aspects of this exclusionary policy is the use of exorbitant fees to prevent many group events and small business services that are often the economic mainstay of small mountain communities like those in my district in the Sierra Nevada. The GO Act is a long-overdue relief of these practices. I urge its adoption,” Subcommittee on Federal Lands Chairman Tom McClintock (R-CA) said.