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Press Release

House Passes Bipartisan “Community Reclamation Partnerships Act” to Aid Mine Cleanup Efforts

Today, the House passed H.R. 2937, the “Community Reclamation Partnerships Act.” Introduced by Rep. Darin LaHood (R-IL), the bill authorizes partnerships between states and non-governmental entities for the purpose of expanding abandoned mine reclamation projects. The bill addresses impediments potential “Community Reclaimers” face in the reclamation process by allowing states to assume liability on their behalf, shielding them from any undue responsibilities under the law.

While mining is an important part of Illinois’ economy, abandoned mines continue to present safety dangers and missed opportunities for new development. I am excited to have our bill pass out of the House, and will continue working with my Senate colleagues to ensure that third-party groups are protected from frivolous lawsuits when helping to clean up and re-purpose these abandoned mines,” Rep. LaHood said.

Mr. LaHood’s bill is smart policy. We should welcome the assistance offered by willing and capable stakeholders instead of creating barriers. This bill will greatly improve the ability of state and non-government organizations to take a leading role in AML projects in their communities and leverage limited AML Fund resources to restore more sites,” Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources Chairman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) stated.

Click here to learn more about the bill.