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Press Release

Bishop Announces New Staff Director for Federal Lands Subcommittee

Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) today announced the appointment of Steven Petersen as the new Staff Director for the Subcommittee on Federal Lands. The Subcommittee’s outgoing Staff Director, Erica Rhoad, recently announced plans to return to the private sector.

“Steve is a trusted advisor who joins our team with extensive policy and institutional knowledge. He’s an ideal fit to lead our staff on the vitally important issues under the Subcommittee’s purview. I have every confidence that he will bring the same level of diligence, expertise and effectiveness to the job.”

“Erica Rhoad has stood out as a driving force on the Committee. She is a talented professional with a deep passion for our issues who will be sorely missed by members and staff. We are grateful for her years of service and dedication and wish her the very best in future endeavors.”

Steven Petersen has twenty-eight years of experience on Capitol Hill. Previous roles include Associate Staff for the House Committee on Rules, Deputy Chief Counsel to the House Committee on Natural Resources, Legislative Director to former Utah Rep. Jim Hansen, and Senior Counsel and Military Advisor in Chairman Bishop's personal office.

Erica Rhoad served as the Subcommittee's Staff Director under Bishop since 2015. In addition to stints in the private sector, her previous experience includes serving as Professional Staff on the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee and the House Committee on Natural Resources under Chairman Richard Pombo (R-CA).