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Press Release

New Obama Regulation Is a Hostile Takeover of Our Nation's Energy Production

Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its controversial regulation for methane emissions. Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) issued the following statement:

“This Administration and this EPA in particular never liked the idea of abundant and affordable domestic energy.  They’ve wanted to say goodbye to economic growth and energy security from the very beginning. This regulation ranks with the very best of harmful policies from this White House.

“At the same time, the BLM is throwing their hat in the ring to add another burdensome layer of methane emission regulations outside their jurisdiction. The regulatory overreach parade of the Administration seems to be never-ending. Industry has had major success lowering methane emissions while oil and natural gas production on private and State lands have skyrocketed. Despite their success, the President continues his hostile takeover of our nation’s energy production to cater to his legacy.”­­