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Chaffetz, Bishop and Lummis Letter to the Honorable Sally Jewell

TO: The Honorable Sally Jewell

FROM: Jason Chaffetz, Chairman
Rob Bishop, Chairman
Cynthia M. Lummis, Chairman

Dear Secretary Jewell:

On August 5, 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency cause the spill of mine waste from a site in San Juan County, Colorado, into the regional river system. According to media reports, EPA's operation of heavy equipment on the site led to the spill. The plume of mine waste, which measured as long as 80 miles at one point eventually spread as far as the San Juan River in Utah, which forms the border between San Juan County and Navajo Nation. The media identified several hazardous contaminants in the plume, including arsenic, lead, and cadmium.

Read the entire letter HERE.