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Press Release

Coastal Zone Management Act Reexamined in Light of Newfound Energy Prosperity

The Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held an oversight hearing on "Federal Implementation of the Coastal Zone Management Act" (CZMA).  This is the first hearing on CZMA that the Committee has held in 16 years. In his opening statement, Subcommittee Chairman Doug Lamborn (R-CO) discussed the CZMA’s impact on the changing global energy landscape in the time period since the Act’s passage.

“[T]he powers provided in this Act have allowed states and localities to make consistency determinations to shut down federally-permitted projects that have national significance.  In the context of the greater LNG and crude export debate, the net effect of such decisions at the local level could have far reaching impacts to our nation – and to our trading partners.  

“At the time of [CZMA’s] passage, our nation had yet to face the tumultuous period of an energy crisis – occurring a year later when OPEC proclaimed an oil embargo.  Today – with thanks to production on state and private lands – our nation is on the path to a more energy-secure future as the global leader of oil and gas production.  Some things have stayed the same - we still face OPEC’s attempts to destabilize our energy markets by keeping supply above demand in an attempt to slow nation’s our upstream production.  This is why domestic energy production and export of those products is critically important. Today we look at the Coastal Zone Management Act through a new lens, the lens of energy prosperity.”

Members and witnesses gave examples of how radical legislatures in states like New York have hijacked the CZMA to block energy projects and called for consistency in application across the states.

Click here for more information on the hearing.