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Press Release

Bishop: Report Reveals Obama’s Energy Legacy of Failure

Today the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released a report on fossil fuels produced from federal and Indian lands for FY 2014.  Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) issued the following statement: 

“The government’s report on energy production on federal lands is astonishingly dismal. The EIA found miniscule growth in oil and natural gas production on federal land – less than a percentage point –the same week that the President welcomes Iranian oil to the market with open arms. Producers operating on private and state lands are powering our energy economy, but we deserve better from the federal government. The Obama Administration should be expanding access to federal lands and offshore waters and opening up American oil markets – not only for the sake of our economy but for the sake of national security. Instead, the President demands new costly requirements on producers, denies offshore exploration, and declaims these fuels as harmful to our future. Now in his last term, it’s safe to say that stagnant production on federal lands is a pillar in President Obama’s energy legacy of failure.”

From the report

2014 Fossil Fuels production on Federal lands (+ 0.2%)

To learn about soaring state and private land production, please read the Congressional Research Service report released in April.