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Press Release

Committee Reviews Innovations in Safety in the Five Years Following the Deepwater Horizon Tragedy

Today, the Committee on Natural Resources held an oversight hearing to commemorate the five year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon tragedy and to review safety innovations that the industry has put forth since then. 

“Five years since the Macondo spill in the Gulf, there is widespread recognition that a great deal has been accomplished to address safety and environmental issues raised by this tragedy.  Moving forward, improvements to safety and promoting responsible offshore energy development will require the continued involvement of both private and public sectors working collaboratively…Early on, American energy producers immediately took action to develop new standards, recommended practices, and audits related to safety and environmental management systems.  This week in Houston, Secretary Jewell applauded the work of the oil and gas industry in improving offshore drilling safety. We appreciate her recognition of this fact,” Committee Chairman Rob Bishop (UT-01) said in his opening statement. “...This Committee alone has held sixteen hearings since the incident…As we focus on the Innovations in Safety Since the 2010 Macondo Incident, let’s give credit where it is due and look for opportunities to improve as new technologies are made commercially available and new safety innovations are developed.”

Gulf Coast Committee Members Rep. Bradley Byrne (AL-01) and Rep. Garret Graves (LA-06) issued the following statements: 

“The Gulf Coast has come a long way since the Macondo incident, and I know the industry has as well. Despite the progress, more work remains. Offshore energy production is critical to our region’s economy, and we should strike an important balance as we implement new protocols and guidelines. That said, we must ensure it is being conducted in a way that is safe for the men and women who work in the industry, as well as the thousands of people who live and work on the Gulf,” said Rep. Byrne.

“Energy production in the Gulf of Mexico has long powered this nation’s economy. Offshore Louisiana has provided billions of barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas – and we’ve done it safely. Domestic energy production is the key to America’s long-term energy security and is tied to hundreds of thousands of jobs across the nation. As we take a look at the industry advancements since the Macondo incident, it’s critical that we appreciate the anomalous nature of that disaster and avoid policies of over-correction that stifle innovation, jeopardizing our ability to safely expand exploration and production,” Rep. Graves stated.

More details on the hearing can be found here