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Committee Leaders Letter to the Government Accountability Office Regarding Oversight on the Implementation of the "Helium Stewardship Act"

Dear Mr. Dodaro:

Since 1996, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has been directed to close down and sell off the Federal Helium Reserve. The sale of the helium contained in the Reserve has been subject to multiple Department of the Interior Inspector General reports, an examination by the Government Accountability Office, and a major National Academy of Sciences report. All of these reports raise significant concerns over the ability of the BLM to obtain a fair market price for helium and protect the interests of taxpayers.

Last year, Congress enacted the Helium Stewardship Act (Public Law No. 113-40), a central tenant of which is a new auction-based program designed to inject more competition into helium sales from the Reserve, and establish a fair market price for helium to ensure a fair return to the taxpayer.

Read the entire letter HERE.