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Committee Votes

Northern Route Approval Act of 2012 (H.R 3)

April 24, 2013 Full Committee Markup

Reporting H.R. 3 Out of Committee (Passed 24-17. View Roll Call Vote)
This bill would approve the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Keystone XL Pipeline energy project by declaring that a Presidential permit should not be required for this project.

Hanabusa Amendment #5 – Consulting with Native American Tribes (Failed 15-21. View Roll Call Vote)
This amendment adds another layer of bureaucratic red tape by duplicating work that has already been done to consult with stakeholders who have lands on the route of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Shea-Porter Amendment #1 – Financial Disclosure of Political Donations – (Failed 17-23. View Roll Call Vote)
This amendment would require Transcanada to report to the Secretary of the Interior ANY payments it makes that could be used for political donations including employee salaries. This would result in every employee salary that Transcanada pays to be disclosed to the Secretary of the Interior.

Shea-Porter Amendment #4 – Approval from the Secretary of Transportation – (Failed 17-24. View Roll Call Vote)
This amendment further slows down the approval of this project by adding another layer of duplicative red tape requiring the Secretary of Transportation to sign off on the construction of the pipeline. This amendment duplicates efforts already put forth to ensure the safety of this pipeline.

Holt Amendment #2 – Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund – (Failed 18-23. View Roll Call Vote)
This amendment would classify the liquids moved in this pipeline as “crude oil” so that Transcanada would have to contribute to the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund.

Holt Amendment #3 – American Isolation Requirement – (Failed 16-25. View Roll Call Vote)
This amendment requires that everything transported in this pipeline be used in the United States of America, limiting America’s ability to be a major player on the world energy market.

* For complete legislative action for the April 24, 2013 Full Committee Markup, click here.