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Chairman Hastings Letter to Secretary Salazar Reiterating Request for Full Compliance with the Committee's Investigation into the 6-month Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Drilling Moratorium

Dear Mr. Secretary:

The Committee is in receipt of the August I, 20 II letter from the Department of the Interior's (DOI) Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs relating to the status of several formal document and information requests the Committee has made to the DOI and its bureaus during the 112th Congress. Although the August 1st letter discusses the requests collectively, because the issues regarding DOI's compliance in each matter vary, for the purpose of clarity, the Committee will address each in separate correspondences. In this letter, the Committee will specifically speak to DOI's response to date and statements contained in the August 1st letter concerning the DOI's Office of Inspector General's Report of Investigation on the Federal Moratorium on Deepwater Drilling (Report of Investigation). The Committee's original request to DOI for documents and information relating to the Report of Investigation was made by letter dated April 25, 2011 and the request was reiterated in the Committee's July 18, 2011 letter.

Read the entire letter HERE.