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Committee Votes

Healthy Forest Management Act of 2012 (H.R. 6089)

August 1, 2012 Full Committee Markup

Reporting H.R. 6089 Out of Committee (Passed 28-19. View Roll Call Vote)
This bill would reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires, address factors that contribute to insect infestation, and restore forest health by prioritizing and implementing hazardous fuels reduction projects on federal land.

Tipton Amendment #040 – Technical Changes (Agreed to by Voice Vote.)
This amendment would make technical changes to the bill and provide clarification for the use of streamlined analysis for fuels reduction projects.

Grijalva Amendment #073 – Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Eligibility (Failed 19-26. View Roll Call Vote)
This amendment would expand the eligibility for the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program by allowing for participation of federal full or part-time temporary seasonal employees involved in implementing hazardous fuels projects under the bill.

Markey Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute #1 (Failed 19-27. View Roll Call Vote)
This amendment would replace the text of H.R. 6089 with language from H.R. 5960, introduced by Rep. Markey on June 19, 2012 to amend the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003, provide for permanent authority of stewardship contracting and cooperative agreements between states and the federal government, and amend an existing landowner assistance program.

Lujan Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute #074 (Failed 20-27. View Roll Call Vote)
This amendment would replace the text of H.R. 6089 with language to provide for permanent authority of stewardship contracting and cooperative agreements between states and the federal government.

* For complete legislative action for the August 1, 2012 Full Committee Markup, click here.