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Dear Colleagues

Bishop Amendment to HR 1612

March 20, 2010

Dear Colleague,

Today, the House of Representatives will consider H.R. 1612, the Public Lands Service Corps Act of 2009. One of the only two amendments made in order by the Rules Committee will be offered by Mr. Bishop of Utah, the Ranking Member of the National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Subcommittee. The Bishop Amendment to HR 1612 would:

  1. Keep the existing $12 million per year authorization that is in current law (H.R. 1612 changes this amount to “such sums”, which CBO scores as doubling the cost of the program to $120 million over 5 years), and

  2. Provide five-year sunset for the currently permanently authorized program to deter waste or abuse and ensure periodic Congressional review and oversight of the program.

I urge your support for this common sense, fiscally responsible amendment.


Doc Hastings
Ranking Member
Committee on Natural Resources