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Committee Votes

Yerington Land Conveyance and Sustainable Development Act (H.R. 4039)

June 7, 2012 Full Committee Markup

Reporting H.R. 4039 Out of Committee (Passed 24-15. View Roll Call Vote)
This would mandate the fair market sale of approximately 10,200 acres of public lands to the City of Yerington for economic, recreational, and cultural development.

Bishop Amendment #059 – Release of Liability (Agreed to by Voice Vote.)
This amendment would release the United States for all liability after the conveyance of property has been completed and confirms the city is willing to undertake the land sale.

Grijalva Amendment #062 – (Not Agreed to by Voice Vote.)
This amendment would strike the 90 day timeline for completing the conveyance and make it optional for the Secretary of the Interior to undertake.

* For complete legislative action for the June 7, 2012 Full Committee Markup, click here.