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Committee Votes

To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to expand the boundary of the San Antonio Missions National Historic Park, to conduct a study of potential land acquisitions (H.R. 3100)

June 7, 2012 Full Committee Markup

Reporting H.R. 3100 Out of Committee (Agreed to by Voice Vote.)
This bill would expand the San Antonio Missions National Historical Park boundary to include an additional 151 acres by donation that are currently owned or being managed by the National Park Service that are necessary to protect park resources.

Bishop Amendment #66 – Removes Expansion Study Requirement (Passed 23-17. View Roll Call Vote)
This amendment removes the boundary expansion study, requires written consent from the property owner prior to inclusion of the property into the boundaries of the park, prohibits the creation of buffer zones around the park and use of condemnation, and limits any future acquisition to donation only.

* For complete legislative action for the June 7, 2012 Full Committee Markup, click here.