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Press Release

Hastings to take Alaska Energy Tour with Gov. Parnell and Rep. Young

Will Visit and Discuss NPR-A, TAPS, Native Village of Kaktovik, Arctic OCS

On Thursday, June 9th House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) will join Alaska Governor Sean Parnell and Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs Chairman Don Young (AK) for a day-long tour that will include visits to the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A), the Trans Alaskan Pipeline System (TAPS), the Native village of Kaktovik, and a discussion of the Arctic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) of Alaska.

“I look forward to this opportunity to observe firsthand Alaska’s abundant natural resources with Governor Parnell and Congressman Young. Alaska is a tremendous asset to our Nation and possesses the ability to help create new jobs, significantly expand American energy production, spur our economy and strengthen our energy security. During this trip I hope to learn more about obstacles that impede energy production in Alaska and how I can work with Governor Parnell and the entire delegation to harness Alaska’s vast resources in a responsible, safe and efficient manner,” said Chairman Doc Hastings.

During the trip, Chairman Hastings will attend a community meeting in the Native village of Kaktovik, take a fly-over tour of the NPR-A – and make an on-the-ground stop at the Alpine Field, and visit Deadhorse/Prudhoe Bay to discuss and view TAPS and the Arctic OCS.


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