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Press Release

Hastings Selected as Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee

House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after the Republican Conference selected him to serve as Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee in the 112th Congress:

I’m honored to have been selected as Chairman and will work hard with my Republican colleagues to serve the American people and address their top priorities.  From day one, our focus will be on reducing spending, getting people back to work and ensuring our committee work is open and transparent to the public.

“As Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee, I’ll pursue policies that both create jobs and protect our nation’s treasured lands, oceans and wildlife.  By utilizing our vast natural resources in a safe, environmentally responsible way, we can create and keep jobs here in America, grow our economy and ensure that we are not dependent on foreign countries with far lower environmental standards for the energy, minerals and timber vital to our economy.  A thoughtful, balanced, multi-use approach to our nation’s lands and resources will be necessary to protect the livelihood of millions of Americans who depend on access to public lands, while also ensuring that the environment is protected. 

“The Committee will also pursue strong oversight of the Administration’s energy, environment and lands policies that cost American jobs, lock-up resources and increase federal spending.  Congress has a responsibility to ensure that the Administration is accountable to the American people for their actions.  As such, we need to have a better understanding of how and why policy decisions are being made and the impacts on both people and the environment.”

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