Oregon Caves National Monument Boundary Adjustment Act of 2009 (H.R. 2889)
May 5, 2010 Full Committee Markup
Reporting H.R. 2889 out of Committee (Voted favorably by voice vote)
The Oregon Caves National Monument Boundary Adjustment Act of 2009 would modify the boundary of the Oregon Caves National Monument to include approximately 4,070 acres of land currently managed by the Forest Service in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest. The resulting Monument would be designated as the Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve and would be managed by the National Park Service. The bill would also designate six segments of rivers as part of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and it would provide for possible termination of grazing use on a Forest Service-managed grazing allotment, a portion of which is located within the proposed boundary of the Preserve.
Bishop Amendment #082 (View Roll Call Vote)
This amendment would ensure that nothing in the bill would affect the authority to construct, maintain or operate coal-fired power plants needed by the American people. Environmental groups use the mere fact that a coal-fired power plant is within a 200 mile radius of a National Park as reason to oppose them. This amendment sees to it that the Oregon Caves National Monument will not be used as weapon against coal-fired power plants.
Bishop Amendment #080 (View Roll Call Vote)
Hunting is currently allowed on the 4,000 acres of Forest Service lands that H.R. 2889 would move into the Oregon Caves National Monument under National Park Service management. When this land is moved under National Park Service management, hunting will be prohibited unless explicitly authorized in legislation. This amendment allows for the hunting practices under Forest Service guidelines to continue to take place under the Park Service.
* For complete legislative action for the May 5, 2010 Full Committee Markup, click here.