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Press Release

Co-Chairs of Rural America Solutions Group Urge Obama to Listen to Rural Americans, Abandon Job Killing Policies

U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack traveled to Hillsboro, MO today to host a long overdue “National Summit of Rural America” on behalf of the Obama Administration.

As Co-Chairs of the Rural America Solutions Group, Representatives Frank Lucas (R-OK), Sam Graves (R-MO) and Doc Hastings (R-WA), have each released a statement on the Obama Administration’s failure to address the challenges faced by rural America.

“While I appreciate Secretary Vilsack taking the time to hear from rural Americans, I remain concerned with the Obama Administration’s pursuit of a policy agenda that will devastate rural communities,” said Representative Frank Lucas, Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee. “We need to put an end to the runaway government spending, eliminate job-killing taxes, and regain control of overzealous government bureaucrats dictating to farmers and ranchers how best to do their jobs.”

“As a small businessman and family farmer from Missouri, I know that people in rural communities need a government that understands their way of life,” said Representative Sam Graves, Ranking Member of the House Small Business Committee. “Folks in America’s heartland simply can’t afford to be punished by ill-conceived policies on core issues like energy, the economy and health care that will disproportionately affect their businesses and place undue strain on their families. I hope the Obama Administration will seize this opportunity to listen to the people who keep this country running and start creating policies that work with rural America, not against it.”

“It’s clear that a credibility gap exists between the Administration’s rhetoric of helping rural America and the reality of the job-killing policies they are trying to impose,” said Representative Doc Hastings, Ranking Member of the House Natural Resources Committee. “The Democrat controlled Congress continues to punish the livelihoods of small town America with burdensome taxes and regulations that take decisions on our future away from communities and families. Republicans are engaging and listening to the public and rural communities through the America Speaking Out initiative. Instead of policies seeking to enhance the power of D.C. elites, we need to get focused on creating jobs and greater economic opportunity."

The Rural America Solutions Group was established by House Republicans to develop solutions to the unique issues facing rural America. To learn more about the Rural America Solutions Group, click here.

Today’s St. Louis Post-Dispatch published an op-ed by the Co-Chairs of the Rural America Solutions Group that details their concerns about the harmful impact that the agenda in Washington, D.C. is having on families and businesses in rural communities. Click here to read the op-ed.

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