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Press Release

Hastings: President’s Energy and Climate Change Policies Will Destroy Jobs, Strangle Economic Growth and Hinder Recovery

House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after joining members of the American Energy Solution Group in a press conference to oppose the President’s job-killing energy policies and express concerns (see letter) with his upcoming trip to the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen:

“Earlier this morning, President Obama delivered another speech about the economy where he promised to help put Americans back to work and get businesses hiring again. While I appreciate the President’s rhetorical focus, unfortunately his actions continue to demonstrate that job creation is not really his top priority.

“For example, earlier in the year, the President called on Congress to pass a National Energy Tax that will kill jobs and spike energy prices.

“Now the Administration is attempting to unilaterally enact this tax through a backdoor maneuver that will allow the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon emissions across our country.

“And next week, the President will travel to Copenhagen to push for a binding international climate agreement that holds the United States to different standards than major carbon emitting countries like India and China.

“Taken together, the Administration’s actions will impose burdensome regulations that will destroy jobs, strangle economic growth and hinder recovery.

“Instead of continuing to support these irresponsible policies, the President should support an all-of-the-above energy plan and finally focus his efforts on helping the over ten percent of unemployed Americans find good jobs.”

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