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Press Release

Hastings Issues Statement Regarding Biden Event on Green Jobs

“Away from the spotlight, the Administration continues to quietly undermine almost every other type of energy job in America.”

Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding the Administration's green jobs event:

"Today, the Obama Administration is holding another high-level event to unveil a report about its efforts to create green jobs. Unfortunately, away from the spotlight, the Administration continues to quietly undermine almost every other type of energy job in America.

"In nine months, the Administration has canceled oil and gas leases, delayed mining permits, terminated Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage, promoted a job-killing national energy tax, and enacted a defacto ban on expanded offshore drilling. Each of these actions has resulted in fewer all-of-the-above energy jobs in our country.

"With the failed ‘stimulus’ and national unemployment climbing to almost 10 percent, America needs to create every job it can. Jobless Americans can’t afford policies that just create one type of job, that’s why Republicans’ all-of-the-above energy plan will create green jobs, as well as nuclear jobs, mining jobs, oil and gas drilling jobs, and manufacturing jobs.

"And although Vice President Biden continues to say that Republicans haven't proposed solutions, the fact is that we introduced the American Energy Act in June that would immediately create a wide range of energy jobs across our country. Instead of unveiling another report on only one type of energy job, it's time for the Administration to finally join Republicans in supporting all-of-the-above energy legislation that would create high-paying jobs throughout the U.S. energy sector."

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