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Republicans Send Message to Obama Administration: Stop Delaying Offshore Drilling and Creation of New Energy Jobs

On September 23rd, Austan Goolsbee, a member of the Council of Economic Advisers and Chief Economist for the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, told the Washington Post:

“It’s a tough spot to be an economic adviser now, because every time you see the president and chief of staff, their thing is kind of ‘What have you done today to create jobs?”

This week, House Republicans offered up a direct suggestion to the Administration on what it can do today to create new American jobs - move forward with the 2010-2015 lease plan to allow new offshore drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf:

“In February, the Administration stalled new offshore drilling with an extended six-month comment period.  Now we’ve learned they may wait until 2012 before implementing a new offshore drilling plan.  America can’t wait three more years to begin producing more energy and millions of jobs.  It’s time to lift the de facto ban on new offshore drilling.  It’s time to act on Republicans’ all-the-above-energy plan that will create green jobs, drilling jobs, wind and solar jobs, and nuclear jobs.  Let’s get America to work producing more energy.”  Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04)

“With the unemployment rate well over 9% nationwide and close to 12% in South Carolina, it’s irresponsible for the Administration to ignore the economic benefits that will come with American energy production.”  Congressman Henry Brown (SC-01)

“Investing in American energy resources will create jobs, stimulate our economy, and end our dependence on foreign oil… Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to tour parts of the OCS and observe offshore oil and gas production.  I saw firsthand the need to take an all-of-the-above approach when it comes to our energy portfolio – an approach which includes developing American offshore energy resources.” Congressman Adrian Smith (NE-03)

“Drilling in the outer-continental shelf will not only decrease the cost American families pay for energy, it will also create jobs, encourage economic growth, bring in much-needed revenues to many coastal states, and will help us break our dangerous reliance on foreign oil.  Now is the time to begin expanding all our American-made energy options, and that includes drilling on the outer-continental shelf.” – Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Frank Lucas (OK-03)

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