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Energy Experts Agree: CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534) will Delay American Wind, Solar, Uranium, Oil and Natural Gas Production

Wind and Solar
“The renewable energy industry also had objections to the bill. Craig Mataczynski, president and CEO of RES Americas, testified on behalf of the American Wind Energy Association and the Solar Energy Industries Association… The wind and solar industries are concerned about consolidating all energy leasing into one office, saying it could disadvantage renewable energy compared to oil and gas with future administrations or delay the growing backlog of applications. Mataczynski also said competitive bidding may not be appropriate for a less mature industry like wind and solar and that a move to such competitive leasing may delay renewable energy development on federal lands. The industry also advocates no net increase in fees or royalties.” (E&E, 9/18/09)

“Speaking on behalf of the National Mining Association, Uranium One Americas Executive Vice President warned the House Natural Resources Committee Thursday the proposed energy and aquatic legislation will mean the end of domestic uranium mining and exploration, and illegally seize current uranium mining claims… Stover warned the House Committee that making uranium a leasable mineral ‘will not only negatively impact the domestic uranium mining industry, but also the economy and the national security of the United States.’” (Mineweb, 9/18/09)

Oil and Natural Gas
American Chemistry Council President and CEO Cal Dooley (former Democrat Congressman) said: "We are concerned that H.R. 3534 fails to contribute in any way to the energy security of the United States. Our industry and the entire U.S. manufacturing sector are dependent on competitively-priced energy to maintain our jobs…For the business of chemistry, natural gas is an important raw material for chemistry that goes into energy-saving applications such as solar panels, wind turbines, building insulation, compact fluorescent light bulbs, lithium-ion batteries, lightweight vehicle parts, and many others - a use that in most cases does not emit greenhouse gases. Unfortunately, H.R. 3534 ignores this vital use of natural gas." (ACC, 9/16/09)

“Alex Campbell, testifying on behalf of the Independent Petroleum Association of Mountain States, said the bill would add time-consuming delays by creating redundant bureaucracy and regulation, hamper efficient market mechanism, decrease the integrity and transparency of leasing, significantly increase costs to produce oil and gas on public lands, and fundamentally change the multiple-use management of federal lands to an approach that will further restrict energy development.” (E&E, 9/18/09)

“Dan Naatz of the Independent Petroleum Association of America said Rahall's bill is ‘an effort to make it more difficult to operate on federal lands at a time when they should be looking to make it easier and simpler.’ He criticized the proposed increase in rental rates, production incentive fees and other new fees and ‘diligent development’ rules for onshore and offshore leases. ‘It's really a step in the wrong direction as we're trying to find more American natural gas and more American oil,’ Naatz said.” (E&E, 9/10/09)

“The American Petroleum Institute's group director of upstream and industry operations, Doug Morris, said he fears a network of regional bodies could tamper with the five-year planning process for preparing offshore lease sales.” (Energy Intelligence, 9/18/09)

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