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Press Release

President Obama Hosts Urban and Metropolitan Policy Roundtable at White House, But Still Hasn’t Fulfilled His Promise for a Rural Summit

On October 16, 2007, candidate Obama said:

“It's time that we had a president who understood that when we strengthen our rural communities, we lift up our entire nation So, after I am elected president, I'll ask Democratic and Republican leaders to join me in a summit here in Iowa to discuss these issues. And we'll come together in a bipartisan way to take action on a rural agenda during my first 100 days."

Unfortunately, although we are over 140 days into his Administration, President Obama still hasn’t found time to hold a rural summit.

However, President Obama did find time today to hold an Urban and Metropolitan Policy Roundtable at the White House, where he noted:

“This is a subject that's near and dear to my heart.  I've lived almost all my life in urban areas.

“Now, that doesn't mean investing in America comes at the expense of rural America.

“Our urban and rural communities are not independent. They are interdependent.”

Instead of sending surrogates to conduct listening sessions and mentioning rural America as a side note, it’s time for President Obama to finally fulfill his pledge to host a rural summit.  After all, rural unemployment rose sharply from 10.3% to 15.8% between the first quarters of 2008-2009 – so these Americans need help too.

In Washington, Republicans in the Rural America Solutions Group will continue to call upon the Administration and Democrats in Congress to take action to help rural Americans.

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