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Committee Votes

Puerto Rico Democracy Act (H.R. 2499)

July 22, 2009 Full Committee Markup

Puerto Rico Democracy Act (H.R. 2499)
July 22, 2009 Full Committee Markup

Reporting H.R. 2499 out of Committee (View Roll Call Vote)
The Puerto Rico Democracy Act would allow a federally sanctioned plebiscite (also known as a referendum) to be conducted in Puerto Rico.  All eligible voters would be asked whether they support the present form of commonwealth government or if they want Puerto Rico to seek a different political status. If the majority selects a ‘different political status,’ then a second plebiscite would be held giving voters three options: Independence, Sovereignty in Association with the United States, or Statehood.

Rep. Brown of South Carolina Amendment – Ensuring Ballots are Printed in English (View Roll Call Vote)
This amendment ensures that all ballots used for plebiscites held under this act include English text.

Rep. Broun of Georgia Amendment – Making English the official language under Statehood (View Roll Call Vote)
Under this amendment, the option for Statehood on the ballot would include a provision making English the official language of Puerto Rico.

* For complete legislative action for the July 22, 2009 Full Committee Markup, click here.