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Press Release

Hastings: Wasteful Washington Spending Hasn’t Created Jobs

But Democrats Continue to Govern as if Money Grows on Trees

Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding the Department of Labor’s report that the U.S. economy lost 247,000 jobs in July and the Congressional Budget Office’s report that the federal deficit topped $1.3 trillion in July for the first time in the history of our country.

“14.5 million unemployed Americans need real help getting back on their feet – and it’s obvious now that wasteful Washington spending hasn’t created new jobs across our country.  Unfortunately, Democrats in the Administration and Congress continue to govern as if money grows on trees. 

“Instead of looking for ways to reduce the deficit and create new high-paying energy jobs, the Administration has used every trick in the book to spend more money and oppose offshore energy development.   The Administration’s stubborn refusal to immediately move forward with the 2010-2015 offshore drilling plan reached the point of absurdity this week when Cuba and Russia announced an agreement to drill off of Florida’s coasts.  Americans want to know - if Cuba and Russia can create new offshore drilling jobs off our coasts – why can’t we?  

“With 9.4% unemployment and a historic 1.3 trillion dollar deficit, the Obama Administration and Democrats in Congress should finally support proven measures like all-of-the-above energy development that will reduce irresponsible government spending and create new jobs.”

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