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Press Release

Climbing Unemployment Rate Requires New Direction on Energy

Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding the Department of Labor’s June unemployment report that the U.S. economy lost nearly 467,000 jobs in June, bringing the unemployment rate to 9.5 percent:

“When President Obama spoke to Congress on February 24th, he said ‘the recovery plan and the financial stability plan are the immediate steps we're taking to revive our economy in the short term.’  However, four months later, our unemployment rate continues to climb.  And instead of taking real action to help struggling families, the Administration is actually trying to pass a National Energy Tax bill that is expected to destroy 2.5 million more American jobs.  

“This is incredible.  Our country is facing the longest recession since World War II – yet Democrats in Washington are hard at work on legislation that will further devastate our economy. 

“On Sunday, President Obama said that everyone he talks to says that this National Energy Tax bill will drive economic growth.  Unfortunately, his statement says a lot about who he isn’t talking to:

  • 212 House Democrats and Republicans - voted against the job-killing bill
  • The National Black Chamber of Commerce - predicted the National Energy Tax bill will destroy 2.5 million jobs
  • The Brookings Institute – predicted cap and trade will decrease America’s Gross Domestic Product by 2.5 percent

“President Obama also declared that people who say that this bill will raise electricity rates are seeking to ‘get political gain by scaring the bejesus out of people.’  But it was only eight months ago when candidate Obama admitted that his cap and trade plan would make ‘electricity rates necessarily skyrocket.’

“Instead of moving forward with a job-killing National Energy Tax bill, it’s time for Democrats to finally support an all-of-the-above energy plan like the Republican American Energy Act (H.R. 2846).   This legislation will grow our economy, create new high-paying jobs, protect our environment, and provide affordable energy.  It promotes renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, hydropower, nuclear and biomass, while also producing more American-made oil and natural gas.  Congress should vote on this bill now.”

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