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Floor Statements

Ranking Member Hastings’ Floor Speech on the Democrats’ National Energy Tax Legislation

“This bill was written in a fantasy land where unemployment isn’t reaching 10 percent”

House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) spoke on the House floor today urging Members to vote against the Democrats’ National Energy Tax that will decimate America’s economy.  Full video and text of the speech follows:

Click here to watch the floor speech

“Madame Speaker, this bill was written in a fantasyland where unemployment isn’t reaching 10 percent, thousands haven’t lost homes to foreclosure, and millions haven’t witnessed half their retirement savings disappear.

By imposing this National Energy Tax and creating a massive new bureaucracy to regulate the entire economy, this bill will drive up the cost of doing business in America, sending jobs overseas to China and India - nations that flat-out refuse to reduce their own carbon emissions.

We are told America must lead by example.  Are we to believe that after the government drives America’s economy further into the gutter, the rest of world will do the same?

America should not be the first lemming to jump off the cliff because Nancy Pelosi and Al Gore are convinced that China, India, Russia and others will follow us over the ledge. 

Republicans have an all-of-the-above energy plan to build more nuclear power and invest in cleaner alternative energies funded by drilling oil here in America.

Yet, Democrats refuse to even allow a vote on this plan.

So I urge my colleges to vote no on this bill.”

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