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Press Release

Hastings Calls on Interior Department to Immediately Move Forward with OCS Development

House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) today released the following statement regarding the Department of the Interior’s report regarding Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) energy resources:

“Since Secretary Salazar announced in February the unilateral extension of the OCS moratoria, the Department of the Interior has taken several steps to make it appear as though it is moving forward to develop domestic energy. Unfortunately, the Department’s actions have only further delayed America’s offshore energy production.

“Today’s survey of ‘currently available’ data by the Department is just one more delay in the process. In fact, this document just reports what was reported over two years ago by the Minerals Management Service: the OCS contains rich new renewable energy resources and traditional oil and gas resources.

“At the conclusion of Secretary Salazar’s upcoming series of public meetings on this topic, the American people will regrettably have to wait until after the peak summer driving season before the Department announces its next step in the process.

“The solution is clear today. We should open the OCS to domestic energy development to increase our energy supply, create new American jobs and grow our economy. It’s time to stop the busywork and take immediate action to develop the OCS.”

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