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Press Release

Hastings Highlights Differences Between Republicans’ All-of-the-Above Energy Plan and Democrats’ High-Priced-Gourmet Energy Agenda

Says Democrats’ National Energy Tax Too Expensive for Most Americans

Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings joined House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence and other members of the American Energy Solutions Group in their Energy Summit.

During this event, Ranking Member Hastings issued the following statement regarding the differences between Republicans’ all-of-the-above energy plan and Congressional Democrats’ high-priced-gourmet energy agenda, which is too expensive and exclusive for most Americans who are struggling to make ends meet in the middle of a serious recession.   

 “We all know Americans who are having trouble paying their energy bills.  But instead of delivering an effective solution to our energy crisis, Democrats are only offering a high-priced-gourmet energy plan, including a new national energy tax that would actually make it more expensive for people to turn on their lights, heat their homes and operate their businesses.  A new $3100 a year energy tax is more change that the average American family can’t afford. 

“When it comes to our energy policy, Congressional Democrats need to propose a plan that has more affordable options on the menu.  The best way to increase our energy supply and stimulate our economy is to incorporate all sectors, including renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, hydropower and biomass, along with American-made oil and gas, into an energy plan.

“I’m pleased to have the opportunity to highlight our positive solution today at this Summit.  Americans deserve to know that Republicans have an alternative, all-of-the above energy plan that will lower energy costs, create more good-paying jobs and ensure a cleaner, healthier environment.”

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