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Press Release

Hastings Highlights Report Stating U.S. Possesses Enough Natural Gas for the Next 100 Years

Calls on Democrats to Unlock America’s Domestic Resources by Holding a Vote on the American Energy Act

Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA -04) released the following statement regarding the Potential Gas Committee (PGC) year-end 2008 biennial report: Potential Supply of Natural Gas in the United States. The assessment found that the United States has a total natural gas resource base of 1,836 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) and a total available future supply of 2,074 Tcf—equaling about 100 years of supply.

“The PGC report that the United States possesses enough natural gas to supply our country for 100 years is good news for America’s energy future.  However, until the Democratic Congress and the Administration actually take concrete steps to encourage the production of American-made energy, we will not be able to access our full supply of natural gas reserves.  Unfortunately, Democrats are moving legislation that will further lock up our domestic resources – including the Waxman-Markey National Energy Tax bill and the FRAC Act, a bill that will stop production of shale gas reserves.  During a serious recession, now is the worst time possible for Congress to pass measures like these that will spike energy bills, eliminate American jobs and increase our dependence on foreign oil.

“Last week, Republicans in Congress presented the American people with a better alternative. The American Energy Act is an all-of-the-above solution that would expand development of natural gas, wind, solar, carbon-free nuclear power, and American-made oil.  Congress should hold a vote on this Republican plan to ensure that we protect our environment, provide affordable and cleaner energy, and create new high-paying jobs.”

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