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Press Release

Hastings: House Committees Deserve Full Review of Waxman-Markey’s National Energy Tax Legislation

Bill Will Spike Energy Prices, Kill Jobs in Rural America, and Drive Nation’s Economy Further into Recession

Ranking Member Hastings highlights the green tabs in the 1,000 page
cap-and-trade bill that mark all the provisions under the jurisdiction
of the House Natural Resources Committee.

Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after joining seven other Committee Ranking Members in a press conference to oppose efforts by Democrat leaders to block full and open debate on the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill, otherwise known as the Democrats’ national energy tax.  These eight committees have jurisdiction over the bill but have been bypassed by Democrat leaders who are rushing the bill through Congress and plan to hold a vote on this bill as early as next week. 

“As Ranking Member of the Natural Resources Committee, I too am disappointed that Speaker Pelosi has once again chosen to short-circuit an open, public process for writing bills.

“Instead, Democrats have chosen to retreat behind closed doors to negotiate this new national energy tax.  Americans are left in the dark and their Representatives, who serve on these eight committees, are prevented from making their constituents voices heard in public hearings and markups.

“The men and women who serve on the Natural Resources Committee represent rural communities across the country.  They seek to serve on the Natural Resources Committee because they know what an enormous impact the policies of the federal government can have on families and businesses in these rural communities.

“Page after page of this bill fall under the jurisdiction of this Committee.  From the renewable electricity standard to energy production to biomass to mining to transmission corridors to federal lands and hydropower to economic impacts on Native Americans and coastal communities, the 49 members of the Natural Resources Committee should be able to ensure the voices of their constituents are heard.

“This bill will jack-up energy prices, kill jobs in rural communities across America, and drive our nation’s economy further into recession.

“The millions of Americans that we represent and that are represented by the Members of these eight Committees, both Democrat and Republican, deserve to have their voices heard.  This bill should not be jammed through the House next week.  Speaker Pelosi and Democrats should allow the American people to be represented through action in our eight committees.”

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