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Water, Wildlife and Fisheries

Panel: Hydropower Reforms Needed to Streamline Relicensing and Incentivize New Development

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Today, the Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans held an oversight hearing on the costly and lengthy process to relicense hydropower and to explore opportunities for new development. “Navigating through the federal bureaucracy necessary to obtain the proper licensing to get these new hydropower projects running is extremely complex and cumbersome. The time and costs associated with…

Committee Passes Bipartisan Bill to Safeguard Electric Transmission, Enhance Grid Reliability

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Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources passed H.R. 1873, the “Electricity Reliability and Forest Protection Act,” bipartisan vote of 24-14. Representatives Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) and Kurt Schrader (D-OR) introduced the bipartisan bill to improve the safety and reliability of the electric grid on federal lands. “I am very pleased that this bill passed through committee with strong…

Chairman Letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Secretary Zinke on Indian Water Rights

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TO: The Honorable Jeff Sessions and The Honorable Ryan Zinke FROM: Chairman Rob Bishop Dear Sirs: The Natural Resources Committee (Committee) has primary authorizing jurisdiction over the legislative resolution of Indian water rights claims within the House of Representatives. Additionally, given the longstanding policy of the United States that disputes regarding Indian water rights…

Panel Calls for Congressional Action to Expand Hydropower Infrastructure

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Today, the Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans discussed two bills that would expand hydropower infrastructure and clean energy for communities in Alaska and across the West. “This hearing marks another step towards improving our nation’s infrastructure. Today’s main focus is on what we can do to empower regional, state and local leaders in developing hydropower at zero federal cost,”…

Reps. LaMalfa and Schrader Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Improve Electricity Reliability

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Today, Representatives Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) and Kurt Schrader (D-OR) introduced H.R. 1873, the “Electricity Reliability and Forest Protection Act.” The bipartisan bill, cosponsored by Reps. Bruce Westerman (R-AR), Jim Costa (D-CA), Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Tom O’Halleran (D-AZ), improves the safety and reliability of the electric grid on federal lands, and reduces the threat of catastrophic…

Marine Monument Designations Sideline Communities and the Domestic Fishing Industry

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Today, the Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans held an oversight hearing on the creation and management of marine monuments and sanctuaries. The panel overwhelmingly objected to the lack of local input, transparency and scientific scrutiny in the marine monument designation process.   “Federal decision-making directly impacts local citizens, local economies and the environment.…

House Passes Bill to Increase Water Storage at the Fontenelle Reservoir in Wyoming

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Today, the House passed H.R. 648 (Rep. Liz Cheney, WY-at large) by an unanimous bipartisan vote of 408-0. H.R. 648 authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to enter into a cooperative agreement with the State of Wyoming to modify the Fontenelle Dam and Reservoir as a way to increase storage capacity and mitigate erosion at no cost to the federal government. “After years of requests and…

Bishop, Radewagen Call on President Trump to Reverse Unilateral Fishing Restrictions

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Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) and Rep. Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen (R-American Samoa) sent a letter to President Trump today requesting removal of all marine monument fishing prohibitions and reinstatement of fisheries management under federal law. “Access to several of the nation’s key fisheries is in jeopardy—through the establishment and expansion of marine national monuments. […] The…

Subcommittee Explores Water Infrastructure Barriers and Solutions

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Today, the Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans held its first oversight hearing of the 115th Congress, Modernizing Western Water and Power Infrastructure in the 21st Century. The hearing examined ways to protect existing water and power infrastructure and alleviate cumbersome regulatory barriers to construct new facilities. During questioning, Subcommittee Chairman Doug Lamborn (R-CO)…

President Signs "Ensuring Access to Pacific Fisheries Act"

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On Friday, the President signed H.R. 6452 into law. The “Ensuring Access to Pacific Fisheries Act” implements the Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fisheries Resources in the North Pacific Ocean, the Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fishery Resources in the South Pacific Ocean, and the amendments to the Convention on Future Multilateral…