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Oversight: Obama's Offshore Moratorium

Natural Resources Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on Offshore Drilling Legislation

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Tomorrow, the House Natural Resources Energy and Minerals Subcommittee will hold a hearing on “The American Conservation and Clean Energy Independence Act” (H.R. 2227), a bipartisan bill to expand offshore drilling by moving forward with the 2010-2015 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) lease plan.  The bill is sponsored by Representatives Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) and Tim Murphy (R-PA). Since…

98 House Republicans Send Letter to Secretary Salazar in Support of Offshore Drilling Plan

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On February 10, 2009, the Department of the Interior announced a six-month delay for the 2010-2015 offshore drilling plan on America’s Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and extended the public comment period through September 21, 2009. Today, 98 House Republicans sent a letter (click here to view) to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar to officially encourage the Department to end the delay…

Ranking Member Hastings' Op-Ed on Obama Blocks New Energy Exploration

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Obama Blocks New Energy Exploration By Rep. Doc Hastings Townhall July 14, 2009 With 9.5 percent of Americans out of work and rumors of yet another costly stimulus, President Obama and White House officials regularly say that “nothing is off the table” when it comes to getting our economy back on track. But after six months in office, President Obama should revise his statement to…

OCS One Year Later - Where is the Energy, Where Are the Jobs?

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Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after joining former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, president of the Institute of Energy Research Tom Pyle, and other Members of Congress in a press conference to highlight the one-year anniversary of President Bush lifting the presidential moratorium on offshore drilling…

Ranking Member Hastings' Op-Ed in Roll Call: Royalty Reform Will Be a Burden on Producers

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Hastings: Royalty Reform Will Be a Burden on Producers By Rep. Doc Hastings Roll Call June 22, 2009 The future of American energy development is at a crossroads. While we all recognize the need to have an affordable and stable energy supply, agreeing on the best path toward achieving this goal is not simple. Do we take the path toward a comprehensive strategy that promotes clean,…

A Postcard from the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf

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Click to enlarge Background: Yesterday, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that he expects President Obama will talk to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia about rising oil prices: Q: Robert, oil prices hit $68 a barrel today -- very substantially up in recent weeks. When the President goes to Saudi Arabia, is [he] going to talk to King Abdullah about that? Is he…

Republicans Call on Administration to Take Action to Put Offshore Drilling Plan Back In Place

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Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings and Representatives Bill Cassidy, Don Young, John Fleming, Louie Gohmert, Rob Bishop, Doug Lamborn, Steve Scalise and Jason Chaffetz sent the attached letter to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar regarding the Administration’s inaction on a recent court decision that vacated the current 2007-2012 offshore oil and…