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A Year of Obama’s No-Energy Policies: Higher Prices, Less American Production, Increased Dependence on Foreign Sources, Fewer U.S. Jobs

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In light of yesterday’s disingenuous announcement by the Obama Administration on future Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas production, it is important to remember the history of anti-energy policies displayed by this Administration since nearly day one. The following is a timeline of the major announcements and energy policy backslides of the Obama Administration: …

Facts & Maps on Obama Administration’s Plan to Lock Up the OCS

| Posted in Resourceful Information

President Obama did not open new lands to offshore drilling – all of these areas were already open for drilling once Congress and President Bush lifted the moratorium in 2008. Instead, President Obama yesterday announced what areas he would CLOSE to offshore drilling (see maps below). Under the President’s Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) plan, over 360 million acres are now…

Wall Street Journal Editorial: Drilling Bits: Less new oil exploration than meets the eye

| Posted in In Case You Missed It

Drilling Bits: Less new oil exploration than meets the eye April 1, 2010 Wall Street Journal Editorial Fourteen months into the Obama Presidency, we are grateful for small favors. So we suppose we should cheer the White House announcement yesterday that it is allowing new offshore oil and gas drilling. But this really is a smaller favor than the headlines claim. The President…

Obama Administration Places Vast Majority of OCS Off Limits

| Posted in Press Release

Although President Obama today announced what he called the “expansion of offshore oil and gas exploration,” in reality the President LOCKED UP more land to American energy production - as shown on the maps below. Click to enlarge map Under the Presidential and Congressional Moratoria in place from 1981 through September 2008, all of the Atlantic and the majority of the Pacific…

As gas prices rise, President blocks energy production and job creation in vast majority of America’s offshore areas

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding President Obama’s announcement that his Administration will delay a new offshore drilling plan until 2012 and include only a fraction of offshore land that was available under the 2010-2015 lease plan: “With this announcement, the Obama Administration is attempting to pull the…

Ranking Member Hastings' Floor Speech Regarding the "Obama Moratorium" on Offshore Drilling

| Posted in Floor Statements

Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered a floor speech highlighting the Obama Administration's refusal to move forward with the current five-year Outer Continental Shelf leasing plan, essentially creating an "Obama Moratorium" on new offshore energy production until 2012.  Full video and text of the speech follow: Click here to watch the floor…

88 House Republicans Send Letter to Salazar Calling on Administration to End “Obama Moratorium” on Offshore Drilling

| Posted in Press Release

Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04), House Republican Leader John Boehner, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor and 85 other Republicans sent a letter to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar demanding that the Administration begin to implement the 2010-2015 five-year lease plan for the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). This plan would open, for the first…

Gas prices go up, yet Administration continues delaying American energy production

| Posted in Blog

While the Administration implements an “Obama Moratorium” on new offshore drilling until 2012, Americans across the country are already bracing for higher prices at the pump – and it’s not even summer driving season yet. Consumers dig deeper for gasoline (Daily Sentinel 3/16/10) Gasoline prices reach 16-month high (White Mountain Independent 3/16/10) Green Bay gas…