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Subcommittee to Hold Legislative Hearing on Four Bills to Expand American Energy Production, Create New American Jobs

| Posted in Committee Action

On Friday, November 18, 2011, the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources will hold a legislative hearing on four bills to expand American onshore and offshore energy production and create new American jobs. The hearing will include the American-Made Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act to be introduced by Rep. Steve Stivers (R-OH) and the Alaskan Energy for American Jobs Act to be…

Alaskan Energy for American Jobs Act to be Introduced

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Today, House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) and Rep. Don Young (AK-at large) announced plans to introduce the Alaskan Energy for American Jobs Act to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for future energy production and job creation. The measure will be part of the energy and infrastructure jobs bill announced by House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)…

Politico Pro: Hastings, McClintock: Stop WAPA loans

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Hastings, McClintock: Stop WAPA loans By Alex Guillen Politico Pro 11/9/11 4:05 PM EST House Republicans are worried about yet another Energy Department loan program. Reps. Doc Hastings (R-Wash.) and Tom McClintock (R-Calif.) want the DOE to stop giving out loans through the Western Area Power Administration, one of the department’s four marketing administrations. In a letter…

Chairmen Seek to Halt Risky WAPA Loans by Energy Department, Give Notice on Further Oversight and Document Requests

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) and Subcommittee on Water and Power Chairman Tom McClintock (CA-04) sent the following letter to Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Steven Chu following the alarming November 7th DOE Inspector General “Management Alert” report on the Western Area Power Administration’s (WAPA) risky, Solyndra-like loan authority and Rep.…

Chairmen Hastings and McClintock Letter to Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu on Risky WAPA Loans by Energy Department

| Posted in Letters

Dear Secretary Chu: We write to request an immediate and indefinite halt to any allocation of taxpayer dollars through the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) borrowing authority enacted in the 2009 stimulus spending law, officially known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. As the respective Chairmen of the appropriate authorizing Committee and Subcommittee in the U.S.…

Obama Administration Imposes Five-Year Drilling Ban on Majority of Offshore Areas

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After imposing a nearly three-year moratorium on new offshore drilling by discarding the 2010-2015 lease plan that allowed for new development on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), the Obama Administration announced a draft plan today that closes the majority of the OCS to new energy production through 2017. The Administration’s draft five-year plan prohibits new offshore drilling and…

Video Blog: Natural Resources Committee Jobs Watch - Rep. Thompson

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House Natural Resources Committee Republicans are committed to putting Americans back to work by enacting policies that embrace America’s abundant natural resources to help create jobs and grow our economy. Watch Rep. Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson discuss his district, the 5th District of Pennsylvania, one of the most rural districts on the East Coast. His district encompasses 22% of the state’s…

Chairman Hastings Statement on October Jobs Report

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after the October jobs report was released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics: “The job numbers released today are hardly encouraging to the thousands and thousands of people still struggling to find work. While President Obama has been campaigning around the country, pushing a new so-called…

Witnesses Testify on Importance of American Uranium Production

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Today, the House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands held a legislative hearing on four bills including H.R. 3155, the “Northern Arizona Mining Continuity Act of 2011.” Introduced by Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02), H.R. 3155 would prohibit the Secretary of the Interior from banning uranium mining on 1 million acres outside the borders of the Grand Canyon National…

Committee Dismisses Sudden Democrat Demand for Subpoenas, After Democrats Don’t Bother to Appear to Question Companies on Oct. 13th

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement following the conclusion of today’s hearing: “Let me be very clear, if the companies officially cited for the oil spill had outright refused to provide witnesses, testimony or answers to the Committee, then I would be leading the effort to compel them to appear, by subpoena if necessary. But…