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Indian and Insular Affairs

HEALTTH Act Addresses Healthcare Obstacles in Indian Country

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Today, the Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs held a legislative hearing on H.R. 5406 (Rep. Kristi Noem, R-SD), the Helping to Ensure Accountability, Leadership, and Trust in Tribal Healthcare Act (HEALTTH Act), highlighting the need to reform healthcare in Indian Country. The bill would improve access to tribal healthcare by reforming a range of medical care and…

Chairman Letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell

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TO: Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell  FROM: Rob Bishop, Chairman House Committee on Natural Resources Dear Ms. Attorney General and Madame Secretary:  In a February 26, 2015 correspondence (Letter) to Secretary Sally Jewell and former Attorney General Eric Holder, I outlined a number of items that needed to be sent to Congress prior to…

House Committee on Natural Resources Releases Puerto Rico Discussion Draft

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Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources released discussion draft legislation on Puerto Rico’s economic crisis. Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) issued the following statement:  “Today, the Committee released draft legislation that provides Puerto Rico with tools to impose discipline over its finances, meet its obligations and restore confidence in its institutions. The…

New York Times: Officials Warn Congress of Major Defaults Without Restructuring

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Puerto Rico and its top advisers made their case in Washington on Friday for a law that would allow broad restructuring of the island’s multibillion-dollar debt, saying that if Congress did not act soon, major defaults were likely this spring. The officials also said they knew that any legislative help would come at a stiff price: Puerto Rico would have to submit to a federal control…

New York Times: How Free Electricity Helped Dig $9 Billion Hole in Puerto Rico

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To understand how Puerto Rico’s power authority has piled up $9 billion in debt, one need only visit this bustling city on the northwest coast. Twenty years ago, it was just another town with dwindling finances. Then, it went on a development spree, thanks to a generous —some might say ill-considered — gift from the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority. Today, Aguadilla has 19…

Bishop: Fiscal and Energy Solutions for Puerto Rico Needed for Long-Term Solvency and Growth

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Today, Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) held a conference call to discuss oversight efforts on Puerto Rico and the Committee’s path forward to developing responsible solutions to the island’s economic crisis. “As long as Puerto Rico and its state-owned entities continue to lose money and run deficits, debt restructuring alone will not help the territory and its people find stability and build…

Bishop: Energy is Essential to Puerto Rico’s Future Prosperity

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Today, the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held a hearing on the circumstances leading to the current financial crisis faced by the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA), the state-owned, self-regulated monopoly that operates as Puerto Rico’s  public utility. “Today we took a step forward to uncover the origins of Puerto Rico’s fiscal failures and identifying…

Bishop: Senate Passage of Tribal Energy Development Bill Lays Path Forward for Final Package

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Yesterday the Senate passed S. 209, the “Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self-Determination Act Amendments of 2015,” a bill similar to H.R. 538, the “Native American Energy Act” that passed the House on October 8, 2015.  Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) released the following statement: “I am pleased the Senate has followed suit and acted on legislation to alleviate barriers that…