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Indian and Insular Affairs

Fundamental Changes in Final Text of Native Hawaiian Bill

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Today, the House of Representatives will vote on the final rewritten text (Abercrombie substitute) of the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009. This latest version, written in secret without Committee review or markup, contains fundamental changes from the bill that was first introduced in the 111th Congress and from legislation (H.R. 505) that was voted on during the…

National Review Online: Trouble in Paradise: Why the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act deserves to fail

| Posted in In Case You Missed It

Trouble in Paradise: Why the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act deserves to fail February 23, 2010 National Review Duncan Currie Amid much wrangling over the economy, a bipartisan debt panel, and President Obama’s health-care summit, Congress has chosen this moment to tackle . . . Native Hawaiian sovereignty? Sometime soon, perhaps as early as today, the House of…

Hawaii Governor Expresses Opposition to Latest Version of Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill

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Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle has announced that she cannot support the rewrite (Abercrombie substitute) of the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009 (Akaka bill) that is scheduled to be voted on today by the full House. Despite being a longtime, vocal supporter of Native Hawaiian recognition, Governor Lingle opposes the rewritten bill. Full text of her statement is…

Support the Hastings of Washington Amendment to the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act

| Posted in Dear Colleagues

Support the Hastings of Washington Amendment to Require a Statewide Vote on Creating a Separate Native Government in Hawaii Dear Colleague: In 1959, a vote was taken in Hawaii on the question of becoming a state. Over 94 percent voted in favor of statehood. Hawaii voted overwhelmingly to join our union as one unified state. Today, under this bill, Congress will vote on dividing the…

Rewrite of Native Hawaiian Bill Contains Potential Gaming Loophole

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With the final rewritten text (Abercrombie substitute) of H.R. 2314, the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009, being provided to members of the U.S. House of Representatives with less than 24 hours before a formal vote may be called, analysis of its provisions are ongoing.  A review of two sections of the bill reveal that it may contain a loophole that could allow…

Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill Creates Unconstitutional Race-Based Government

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This week, the House will consider the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009 (H.R. 2314), which creates a separate, race-based government specifically for Native Hawaiians. This divisive legislation would allow this new government entity to be exempt from state taxes, set their own civil and possibly criminal jurisdictions apart from the State of Hawaii, and take ownership…

Democrats Unveil Yet Another Rewrite of Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill

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A day before the House of Representatives is expected to vote on the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009, House Democrats have released yet another eleventh hour version of the bill. Even though the House Rules Committee will take up this bill tonight at 5 pm and the full House may vote on the bill as soon as tomorrow, Natural Resources Committee Republicans are believed…

Native Hawaiian bill fundamentally changed from 110th version

| Posted in Dear Colleagues

February 22, 2010 House to vote on rewritten Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill Text is “fundamentally changed” from last Congress Dear Colleague: This week the Democrat Leadership is bringing H.R. 2314 to the Floor, a bill to extend tribal recognition to a Native Hawaiian “governing entity.” In the 110th Congress, a previous version of this legislation (H.R. 505) passed 261-153. All…

Latest Rewrite of Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill Now Available

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After House and Senate Committees approved two different versions of the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009 (Akaka bill) last December, House Democrats have now released another rewritten version of this bill. The House is expected to vote on the latest altered text next week. Click here to read the rewrite of the Akaka bill. # # # Print version of this document