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Witnesses Decry NOAA’s Unsubstantiated Stellar Sea Lion Science Jeopardizing Commercial Fishing Industry, Coastal Economies

| Posted in Press Release

Today, the House Natural Resources Committee held a Full Committee field hearing on “NOAA's Steller Sea Lion Science and Fishery Management Restrictions - Does the Science Support the Decisions?” Members in attendance, including Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) and Rep. Don Young (AK-At large), heard from the Administration, state officials, scientists and the commercial fishing industry on…

Chairman Hastings Memorandum to Committee Members Re-referring H.R. 2719

| Posted in Letters

TO: Members of the Committee on Natural Resources FROM: Chainnan Doc Hastings RE: Recall and re-referral of H.R. 2719 Pursuant to Committee on Natural Resources Rule 6(e), I hereby give notice of my intent to recall and re-refer the following bill to the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs, as well as the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forest and Public…

Endangered Salmon and Fisheries Predation Prevention Act (H.R. 3069)

| Posted in Committee Votes

Reporting H.R. 3069 Out of Committee (Passed 29-13. View Roll Call Vote) This bill would allows for the issuance of state and tribal permits to lethally remove increasing predatory, non-ESA listed sea lions that consume thousands of endangered salmon and other fish species in the Columbia River and their tributaries. Bordallo Amendment #002 – Adds Findings to the Bill (Not Agreed to by…

Witnesses: President Obama’s Ocean Zoning Plan Will Stifle Economic Growth, Create Regulatory Uncertainty, Threaten Jobs

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Today, the Natural Resources Committee held an oversight hearing on “The President’s New National Ocean Policy - A Plan for Further Restrictions on Ocean, Coastal and Inland Activities.” At the hearing, Members heard about the potential job and economic implications of President Obama’s Executive Order 13547, which creates a new, top-down bureaucracy that could significantly impact the…

Top 10 Things to Know About President Obama’s Plan to Zone the Oceans

| Posted in Resourceful Information

On July 19, 2010 President Obama signed Executive Order 13547 to unilaterally implement a new National Ocean Policy without Congressional approval or specific statutory authority. This policy is a new regulatory layer that could significantly impact the way we use and manage our oceans and is another example of the Obama Administration imposing burdensome federal regulations and policies…

Chairman Hastings Memorandum to Committee Members Recalling Several Bills

| Posted in Letters

To: Members, Committee on Natural Resources From: The Honorable Doc Hastings, Chairman Subject: Recall of bills Pursuant to Committee on Natural Resources Rule 6(e), I hereby give notice of my intent to recall the listed bills from the following Subcommittees: Read the entire memorandum HERE.

Chairman Hastings’ Statement on Judge Redden Ruling

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings released the following statement regarding Judge Redden’s ruling on the federal biological opinion and fish recovery plan for the Federal Columbia River Power System: “As Chairman of the House Committee with jurisdiction over the Northwest’s hydropower system and fisheries, I intend to carefully review and address this matter. More…

Chairman Hastings: Congress Has Duty to Act on ESA Reauthorization

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings released the following statement after the House passed the Endangered Species Act (ESA) amendment offered by Rep. Norm Dicks to the FY 2012 Interior Appropriations bill: “The House worked its will on this particular amendment, yet this conversation highlighted the fact that the Endangered Species Act hasn’t been updated in 23 years…

Hastings: Focus ESA on Species Recovery, Halt Debilitating Lawsuits

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings delivered the following speech on the House floor in opposition to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) amendment offered by Rep. Norm Dicks to the FY 2012 Interior Appropriations bill: “I oppose this amendment and urge its defeat. The Interior Appropriations bill that Chairman Simpson has brought to the House Floor prioritizes…