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Federal Lands

Bishop: Restore the Antiquities Act's Noble Vision

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By: Chairman Rob Bishop In a Tuesday op-ed, I explained the constitutional threat posed by the Antiquities Act, and why its repeated abuse is inconsistent with the constitutional pillars of the rule of law and checks and balances. As it turns out, there's a reason the Founders chose these principles as the basis of our government: arbitrary rule has no incentive to be accountable to…

Committee Passes Legislation to Require Transparency, Public Input in Antiquities Act

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Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources passed H.R. 3990, the “National Monument Creation and Protection Act” or the “CAP Act.” Introduced by Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT), the bill protects archeological resources while ensuring public transparency and accountability in the executive’s use of the Antiquities Act. “Congress never intended to give one individual the power to…

Chairman Bishop: Antiquities Act is a Menace to Constitutional Government

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By: Chairman Rob Bishop You heard it in your high school civics class: America has "a government of laws and not of men." The rule of law is the basis of the constitutional order erected by the Founders. "A government with unpredictable and arbitrary laws poisons the blessings of liberty itself." The first axiom is from John Adams, the second is from James Madison. Their sentiments…

Subcommittee Chairmen Respond to Antiquities Act Reform Legislation

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Tomorrow, the Committee will markup H.R. 3990, the “National Monument Creation and Protection Act” or “CAP Act.” Introduced by Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT), the bill protects archeological resources while ensuring public transparency and accountability in the executive’s use of the Antiquities Act. “The Constitution gives to Congress alone the jurisdiction over public lands. While the…

Bishop: Antiquities Act Is a Menace to Constitutional Government

| Posted in Op-Eds and Speeches

OP-ED: Antiquities Act Is a Menace to Constitutional Government Rep. Rob Bishop Chairman, House Committee on Natural Resources You heard it in your high school civics class: America has "a government of laws and not of men." The rule of law is the basis of the constitutional order erected by the Founders. "A government with unpredictable and arbitrary laws poisons the blessings of…

Bishop Statement on Sage Grouse

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Today, the Department of the Interior announced plans to reverse the former administration’s 10 million acre mineral withdrawal across six western states, overhaul the de facto Sage Grouse listing and improve management of the species through greater state input. Chairman Bishop (R-UT) issued the following statement: “These withdrawals were never about Sage Grouse conservation. It was…

Bishop, Westerman Response to the Ag Committee Advancing the Resilient Federal Forests Act

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Today, the House Committee on Agriculture passed H.R. 2936, the “Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2017,” without opposition. Introduced by Rep. Westerman (R-AR), the bipartisan bill reduces the risk of catastrophic wildfire and dramatically improves the health and resiliency of federal forests and grasslands. “I’m happy to see the ball moving forward on this important bill. Our land…

Bishop Statement on Homeland Security Committee’s Passage of the Border Security for America Act

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Today, the House Committee on Homeland Security passed H.R. 3548, the “Border Security for America Act.” Introduced by Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX), the bill includes a provision from Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) to prevent federal agencies from obstructing U.S. Customs and Border Projection’s (CBP) activities on federal border lands. Chairman Bishop issued the following…

Panel Reviews Legislation to Improve Recreation Opportunities on Federal Lands

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Today, the Subcommittee on Federal Lands held a legislative hearing on H.R. 3400, the bipartisan “Recreation Not Red-Tape Act” or “RNR Act.” Introduced by Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), the bill lowers regulatory barriers to increase public access to outdoor recreation opportunities on federal lands.  “I’m excited about [this particular bill]. It’s…

House Passes Bill to Benefit Utah Communities

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Today, the House passed H.R. 2582, the bipartisan “Confirming State Land Grants for Education Act.” Introduced by Rep. Mia Love (R-UT), the bill resolves a longstanding legal issue and authorizes the Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration’s to acquire 500 acres of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands in Utah. “I am excited that this important, nonpartisan piece of…