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National Parks

Obama Administration Comprehensive Conservation Plan Threatens Chincoteague Jobs, Economy

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Today, the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs held an oversight hearing on, “Fish and Wildlife Service’s Proposed Comprehensive Conservation Plan and its Potential Devastating Impact on the Economy of the Town of Chincoteague, Virginia.” The Town of Chincoteague attracts approximately 1.4 million people annually because of the Island’s beautiful beaches,…

BUDGET WATCH: President's Budget Increases Spending for Government Land Acquisition

| Posted in Tax Dollar Tracker

President Obama’s FY2013 budget proposal released Monday includes $450 million to buy more federal land through the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Despite the Federal government’s ballooning $15 trillion debt, the President is proposing a $160 million spending increase (58 percent) for government land acquisition compared to funding levels when he first took office. The Federal…

Chairman Hastings’ Statement on Interior Department’s List of Proposed Conservation Lands and Wilderness Designations

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings released the following statement regarding the Department of the Interior’s list of proposed Conservation Lands and Wilderness designations: “To date, Congress has designated over one hundred million acres of our public lands as Wilderness – an area larger than the state of California – and last month the Natural Resources Committee…

Associated Press: Lawmakers say environmental laws should be waived for Border Patrol operations

| Posted in In Case You Missed It

Lawmakers say environmental laws should be waived for Border Patrol operations October 27, 2011 Associated Press Kevin Freking Federal agents trying to patrol the U.S.-Mexico border say they’re hampered by laws that keep them from driving vehicles on huge swaths of land because it falls under U.S. environmental protection, leaving it to wildlife — and illegal immigrants and smugglers…

Subcommittee Reviews Slate of Wilderness and Public Land Bills

| Posted in Press Release

Today, the House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands held a legislative hearing on eight bills related to Wilderness and public lands. The bills included measures to modify the boundaries of current federal land holdings, establish new Wilderness areas, and allow for the disposal of surplus federal lands. “Monuments, Wilderness and other land-use designations have…

House Committee on Natural Resources Final Recommendations to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction Co-Chairs Hensarling and Murray

| Posted in Letters

Dear Co-Chairs Hensarling and Murray: The Natural Resources Committee is committed to addressing our Nation's record debt and deficit levels and doing its part to contribute to the Joint Select Committee's efforts to cut at least $1.5 trillion in federal govemment spending from Fiscal Year 2012 to Fiscal Year 2021. Our growing debt stands in the way of long-term job creation and our…

Committee Passes Bill to Increase Border Security on Federal Lands

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Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources passed H.R. 1505, the National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act, by a vote of 26 to 17. The bill prohibits the Department of the Interior (DOI) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) from using environmental regulations to hinder U.S. Border Patrol from securing our border on federal lands. “H.R. 1505 is a common…

Interior Sec. Salazar to Visit Central WA at Chairman Hastings’ Invitation

| Posted in Press Release

On Sunday, September 18th, House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings will host Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar in a visit to Central Washington’s Fourth Congressional District for a discussion on Yakima River Basin water and a tour of Hanford’s historic B Reactor. “Secretary Salazar and I discussed his visiting Central Washington in one of our first…

39 House Republicans Send Letter to Senators Over Nominee for Fish, Wildlife and Parks Assistant Secretary

| Posted in Letters

Dear Senators Boxer, Bingaman, Inhofe, and Murkowski: As you consider President Obama's nomination of Ms. Rebecca Wodder as Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife and Parks at the Department of the Interior, we respectfully write to let you know of our serious concerns with her record as the head of American Rivers, a single purpose interest group focused on litigating against the…

End the Lockout of Border Patrol to Federal Lands - Vote "Aye" on the Lummis Amendment

| Posted in Dear Colleagues

Dear Colleague, The Lummis Amendment to the 2012 Homeland Security Appropriations bill is focused on the serious problem of our Nation’s border security taking a back seat to environmental laws and the regulatory whims of Department of the Interior land managers. An October 2010 GAO report revealed that critical access by the Border Patrol to federal land is routinely blocked and…