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Cassidy Statement at Natural Resources Subcommittee Hearing on the Deepwater Horizon Spill

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Congressman Bill Cassidy (LA-06) delivered the following opening statement as the acting Ranking Member at today’s Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife hearing on “Ocean science and data limits in a time of crisis: Do NOAA and the Fish and Wildlife Service have the resources to respond?”: “Madam Chairwoman, I appreciate your scheduling this hearing on the resources and knowledge…

A Fish Too Big to Fail?

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Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 4th, the Insular Affairs Oceans and Wildlife Subcommittee will host a legislative hearing on The American Samoa Protection of Industry, Resources, and Employment Act (H.R. 3583), a “tuna bailout bill” that would subsidize the last remaining tuna cannery in America Samoa while imposing new taxes on competitors. Ironically, Democrats only have themselves to…

Hastings Decries Obama Administration Decision to Open Door to Snake River Dam Removal

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement on the Obama Administration’s Columbia River salmon recovery biological opinion (BiOp) plan that was released today.  Hastings is an outspoken defender of the Northwest’s hydropower dams as clean, renewable sources of low-cost energy.  The district that Hastings represents in Congress…

Government Should Not Increase Hunting Costs During Recession In Order to Buy More Private Land

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Tomorrow, the House Natural Resources Committee is scheduled to hold a markup of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act Penalty and Enforcement Act of 2009 (H.R. 1916).  This bill would increase the cost of the federal duck stamp (used as a hunting permit) from $15 to $25 in 2010 and to $35 in 2020 (more than doubling the cost).  All the proceeds would be used by the federal government to acquire…

Ranking Member Hastings’ Floor Speech on the Democrats’ $700 Million Wild Horses Welfare Bill

| Posted in Floor Statements

House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) spoke on the House floor today against the Democrats’ misplaced priorities to hold a vote on a bill to create a new $700 million welfare program for wild horses at a time when 9.5 percent of Americans are unemployed and our federal deficit as grown to a historic $1 trillion. Full video and text of the speech…

9.5% of Americans Are Unemployed….But Democrats Are Off and Running to Create a New $700 Million Welfare Program for Wild Horses

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Tomorrow, House Democrats plan to hold a vote on the “Restore Our American Mustangs Act” (H.R.1018), which would create a new $700 million welfare program for wild horses. This floor action comes at a time when unemployment has soared to 9.5 percent, a 26-year high, and the federal deficit has grown to a historic $1 trillion. “There are serious issues facing our country right now and…

Will Administration Grab Vast New Climate Change Powers and Open Door to Endless Lawsuits?

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Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings called upon Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar to maintain the final 4(d) special rule for polar bears, which states that the listing of the polar bear as a “threatened” species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) should not be used to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from lawful activities, such as the…

Overturning ESA Rule Will Hinder Job Creating Projects While Doing Little to Recover Endangered Species

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings released the following statement regarding the Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service about a project’s potential impact on endangered plants and wildlife: “Our country is in the midst of a terrible economic recession and…