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Offshore Drilling

Hastings Statement at Full Committee Hearing on Deep Water Horizon Spill

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following opening statement at today’s second Full Committee oversight hearing on the “Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Strategy and Implications of the Deepwater Horizon Rig Explosion.” Click here to watch As prepared for delivery: “I would like to start by first offering my condolences to those…

Ranking Member Hastings Opening Statement at Today’s Deepwater Horizon Spill Hearing

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following opening statement at today’s Full Committee oversight hearing on the “Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Strategy and Implications of the Deepwater Horizon Rig Explosion.” Click here to watch As prepared for delivery: “Stopping the leaking well, cleaning up the oil, and responding to the…

All 20 Republicans on Natural Resources Committee Call for Hearing on Obama’s Anti-Energy OCS Plan

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) along with all of his Republican colleagues on the Committee today sent a letter to Natural Resources Committee Chairman Nick Rahall requesting a Full Committee hearing on President Obama’s offshore drilling announcement from March 31. The President’s plan will lock up a majority of the Outer Continental Shelf from oil…

A Postcard from American Natural Gas to President Obama in Prague

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Click to enlarge Background: President Obama’s new OCS plan locks up 360 million acres, or 60 percent of the OCS previously under moratoria. According to an April 2, 2010 Rasmussen poll, 72 percent of Americans are in favor of new offshore drilling, while 59 percent say offshore drilling should be permitted off the coasts of California and the New England states—areas…

Ranking Member Hastings' Op-Ed in Washington Examiner: Obama’s new offshore policy full of rhetoric but short on drilling

| Posted in Op-Eds and Speeches

Obama’s new offshore policy full of rhetoric but short on drilling By Rep. Doc Hastings Washington Examiner April 2, 2010 In an effort to appear supportive of the “drill here, drill now” chants that dogged him during his 2008 campaign, President Obama, along with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, has announced his administration’s new plan for Outer Continental Shelf energy…

NEW POLL…Obama Administration Says ‘No’ to More Offshore Drilling—Nearly Three-quarters of America Disagrees

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after a new Rasmussen poll shows 72 percent of Americans support offshore drilling. “With a new poll showing 72 percent support for offshore drilling, it’s clear that President Obama's new plan to lockup the vast majority of the Outer Continental Shelf from future energy production is…

Ranking Member Hastings’ Statement on March Job Numbers

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after the Department of Labor announced the economy gained 162,000 jobs in March as unemployment remained at 9.7 percent. “Considering our current economy, we should welcome any job growth that we can get. However, we should not confuse temporary jobs, such as 48,000 jobs accounted for…

A Year of Obama’s No-Energy Policies: Higher Prices, Less American Production, Increased Dependence on Foreign Sources, Fewer U.S. Jobs

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In light of yesterday’s disingenuous announcement by the Obama Administration on future Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas production, it is important to remember the history of anti-energy policies displayed by this Administration since nearly day one. The following is a timeline of the major announcements and energy policy backslides of the Obama Administration: …

Facts & Maps on Obama Administration’s Plan to Lock Up the OCS

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President Obama did not open new lands to offshore drilling – all of these areas were already open for drilling once Congress and President Bush lifted the moratorium in 2008. Instead, President Obama yesterday announced what areas he would CLOSE to offshore drilling (see maps below). Under the President’s Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) plan, over 360 million acres are now…

Wall Street Journal Editorial: Drilling Bits: Less new oil exploration than meets the eye

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Drilling Bits: Less new oil exploration than meets the eye April 1, 2010 Wall Street Journal Editorial Fourteen months into the Obama Presidency, we are grateful for small favors. So we suppose we should cheer the White House announcement yesterday that it is allowing new offshore oil and gas drilling. But this really is a smaller favor than the headlines claim. The President…