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Offshore Drilling

Hastings Opening Statement at Full Committee Markup on the CLEAR Act

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following opening statement, as prepared for delivery, at today’s Full Committee markup on H.R. 3534, The CLEAR Act: “When it comes to the Gulf oil spill, it couldn’t be clearer what the focus of Congress should be right now: making certain the well is permanently capped, the oil is cleaned up, BP is held…

Wall Street Journal: Salazar Stuns Oil Spill Hearing

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Note: “The really odd moment came when Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said in a statement that he was looking to the commission for information that could inform the administration’s position on halting deepwater drilling. Salazar’s statement stunned the commission’s two co-chairmen, William K. Reilly and Bob Graham, who said they had been assured by Salazar’s office and the White House…

Hastings: Administration’s New Drilling Moratorium will Harm Economy, Send U.S. Jobs Overseas

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) today released the following statement after Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced a new moratorium on offshore drilling: “The Obama Administration’s latest attempt to impose a moratorium on offshore drilling will only cause further harm to Gulf State economies. Too many jobs have already been lost…

Hastings: Address Immediate Crisis At Hand, Don’t Exploit Gulf Tragedy to Push National Energy Tax or Legislation Unrelated to Spill Response

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following opening statement, as prepared for delivery, at today’s Full Committee legislative hearing on the discussion draft of H.R. 3534, The CLEAR Act: “This hearing today should continue to focus on the crisis unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico. At this very moment: the well is not capped and oil is still…

Cassidy Statement at Natural Resources Subcommittee Hearing on State Planning for Offshore Energy Development

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Congressman Bill Cassidy (LA-06) delivered the following opening statement as the acting Ranking Member at today’s Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife Subcommittee hearing on “State Planning for Offshore Energy Development: Standards for Preparedness”: Click here to watch “Madam Chairwoman, I want to compliment you for scheduling this series of oversight hearings on the Deepwater…

Hastings: Oil Spill is No Excuse to Impose Job-Killing Energy Policies, Focus Must Be on Stopping Leak, Making American Drilling the Safest in the World

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings released the following statement regarding President Obama’s address to the nation on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: “There is an on-going crisis in the Gulf and the priorities of the Administration should be simple: stop the leak and cleanup the oil.  Such a devastating crisis shouldn’t be used as leverage to push a…

Wall Street Journal Editorial: Drilling Bits of Fiction

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Drilling Bits of Fiction Seven experts say the White House distorted their views 6/10/2010 Wall Street Journal Editorial The Obama Administration is under political pressure to reverse its ill-considered deep water drilling moratorium, and the latest blowback comes from seven angry experts from the National Academy of Engineering who say their views were distorted to justify the…

Hastings Statement on May Job Numbers

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the May unemployment rate was 9.7%: “While any job growth is important during these difficult economic times, we need policies that will actually create permanent jobs and not just temporary, government positions.  The President’s…

Hastings Statement on the President’s Gulf Coast Oil Spill Press Conference and Firing of MMS Director Birnbaum

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following statement regarding President Obama’s Gulf Coast oil spill press conference: “Everyone shares the goal of making American energy production the safest in the world.  While there are ongoing investigations into the root causes of this unprecedented spill, it’s appropriate to take interim steps…